榛直推 | Niche今日职位更新:JP Morgan/普华永道战略咨询/悉尼实地金融实习
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3. 申请流程与方式
• 进行信息收集、整理和分析,按照要求定期提交分析报告
• 对目标行业进行市场规模预测、竞争格局分析、主要成功要素研究等
• 战略规划以及股权混改方案
• 对商业基本概念,如投行业务、兼收并购、战略咨询和相关业务有一定的理解
• 拥有良好的分析能力和系统性解决问题的能力
• 能够有逻辑地搭建项目案例,成果可直接交付
• 优秀的中英文口语和书写能力
Financial Planning and Analysis
Market Analyst Intern
【实习地点】Sidney, Australia
【实习时间】12 weeks
【职位要求】Relevant Qualifications - An interest in Market Analysis work
• Study information to help the host make informed decisions about their market
• Conduct qualitative analysis on the market
• Conduct analysis on addressable market of target industries
• Digest large quantities of info andsummarising
• Present information and your analysis ofthat information in a meaningful way
This is a global leader in the provision of geospatial map technology for business, enterprises and government customers.They work with small and large organisations across the building andconstruction, architectural, defence and utility industries. This organisation also partners extensively with local and municipal governments throughout Australia. Their philosophy is built on a foundation of innovation and professionalism and they strive to deliver the most recently updated PhotoMaps with stunning picture resolution.
JP Morgan Wealth Management PTA实习
【实习类型】远程实习 PTA
【部门属性】Client Portfolio Management
• Client: Assist with client sales and retention while gaining broad exposure to asset classes and investment professionals throughout the firm.
• Endowments & Foundations: Help not-for-profit and charitable organizations achieve their investment goals,supporting institutions that drive social change in areas such as education,health care and social development.
• Funds Management: Work with financial advisors and investment consultants to provide quantitative and qualitativeanalysis, conduct market research, and assist in strategic planning, helping clients meet their investment objectives.
• A balanced resume which includes solid academic performance and campus involvement
• A genuine interest in developing a careerin Wealth Management
• Analyze a problem, come up with ideas and make decisions
• Genuine interest in financial markets andmacro-level economic trends
名额有限 先到先得
Niche 2018年暑期群
【Niche 2018海外保录取项目】
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1+1>2的导师培训, 带你稳操胜券
为你的职业道路披荆斩棘, 保驾护航
Step 1: 长按下方二维码,添加任意Niche咨询顾问Step 2: 发送简历及其他背景信息给任意Niche咨询顾问Step 3: 了解实习职位及申请详情
We are here to help you find your niche in the future.